Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pocono Polkaroo

For the time being I’m staying at my aunt and uncle’s place deep in the recesses of the Poconos. When I was a kid, this area always sounded alluring; mostly through the commercials for the Nevele and Beautiful Mount Airy Lodge (your host with the most in the Poconos.) But really, it’s just a bunch a mountains not unlike any of the other ones I’ve ever seen in my life. Since leaving Toronto, I’ve been splitting my time between here and my mom’s place in Jersey (that’s another story) trying to figure out where I can go to start my new life. Time’s ticking away but I’m trying not to freak out about it. In the meantime, I’m making the most of the isolation (the nearest convenience store is a fifteen minute drive) by contemplating and writing, which is what I usually do anyway.

Although I honestly have no idea what’s going to happen, I still feel like I’m better off from where I was three months ago. I mean, I have my own room and a real bed. I don’t have to go the food bank every week to be able to eat. The only ointment fly is that my aunt watches Fox news around the clock. (Including that moron supreme, Glenn Beck. Wow, what an idiot. He’s the definition of what my dad used to say, “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” But, I digress.) Whenever I feel down about things, I think about where I would be in Toronto, what I would be doing, who would be around me and in some cases, where they would be sitting. Every day was pretty much the same and I think that’s what was killing me. It’s not that I’m beating up on Hogtown, it’s just that I was there way too long. I got into a rut so deep I could hang posters in it. So, who knows what’s going to happen. In the meantime, I’ll just stay here, boats against the current and all that as I watch a herd of overgrown turkeys strut up the street.

Now, that’s something I never saw in Toronto.